
many thanks

BlackBlue would like to take a moment and thank everyone
who came and celebrated the Grand Opening with us last
Thursday. It was more than we could have hoped for. And
then some. With all the excitement and champagne, we
totally forgot to take pictures of the evening. Weird.

Weird because we usually spend a lot of time taking pictures
of friends around here. The one time everyone was gathered
in our little shop... The perfect opportunity for one gigantic
Kodak moment...It slipped our minds. Sighs.

Anyway, we would like to especially thank those who helped
out. Alex, Jenna, Edna and Safrat. Thanks for the hard work.

Our thanks to (the people whose pictures we actually have)...

Michael. For the hilarious jokes while
washing the hundreds of glasses.
And for music. Always.

Patuu, our own business model.
For being on top of her game at
the cash register.

Ever so lovely Elizabeth. For bringing us
a much needed snack and moral support.
And leading the champagne and wine
glass washing task force.

Dustin. For your profound knowledge of
cheese and quince. Also, on a side note,
for knowing how to play Beirut on the
Ukulele. And of course for poetry.

Knol. For making mixtapes for the evening.
Hope those Tretorns are working out
for you. Your style is inspiring. And
so is your poetry.